10 Days to the End! Release of Talia’s Planet book 5

June 4, 2018

Not every ending is a closed door. The book launch of Talia’s Planet, book 5 in the Recycling Humanity series is the end of our Earth’s survivor’s journey to a new home, but not the end of the Recycling Humanity universe! I will come back one day and continue the adventures by these amazing people.

Where this book wraps up one story, it allows another to be told. At the end of Talia’s Planet you can read the first chapter in my next YA SF series. The first book in that series will be released in August 2018.

So I hope that everyone who reads and loves my Recycling Humanity series will love the next one as well. More details will come closer to August.

If you’d like to know more about me or my writing or my fan girl episodes around conventions or space museums please go to my website and sign up for my newsletter!

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Talia’s Planet book launch in 11 days – The End

June 3, 2018

It’s going to be bittersweet releasing Talia’s Planet book 5 into the world. It’s the end of the Recycling Humanity adventures, for now. 😉

Talia’s Planet marks a 5 year learning curve of setting up my website, starting blogging, learning self publishing, and trying out several genres – before settling on young adult.

Midpoint Station and Talia’s Planet go together so pick them both up to read! Just like the first three books in the series, Recycling Humanity, Starlight Max, and Biolab Zeg really need to be read together.

Tomorrow I’m mailing out the signed 1st editions of the Starlight Max to the Goodreads winners!!! Congrats to all who won! That’s the end of my first edition stock.

I hope everyone loves Talia as much as I do. I also think Talia’s Planet is one of my favorite covers, second only to Recycling Humanity. Since purple is my absolute favorite color it’s only fitting the last book has major purple on it!!

Thanks to Elle at EJR Digitalfor all my fantastic covers!!

Keep on reading and writing!


Book Launch countdown for YA SF book Talia’s Planet #recyclinghumanity book 5

In thirteen days my YA SF book Talia’s Planet will be launched out into the world !! This fifth book of the Recycling Humanity series wraps up many of the questions readers have had along the way.

There’s been many obstacles faced by the strong female heroines throughout the series’ adventures. There’s been romance, awesome spaceships, and normal teens doing extraordinary things!

One of the first questions I get is why I chose to have different main characters in each book.


The first three books in Recycling Humanity each have a different main character because I was inspired to do this after meeting and talking with Marissa Meyer who wrote The Lunar Chronicles. She has a different main character in each of her books (which I love!) but they eventually all interact in the Lunar world. She made it work, and I loved getting to know all of her different characters.

I like a challenge so I decided to try it. It was amazing fun creating my different characters!

For books 4 and 5 however, I decided to keep Talia as the main character in both. I fell in love with her perseverance and confidence in her abilities despite the odds against her.

Midpoint Station,book 4 is already available on Amazon and starts Talia’s journey.

Watch for more fun details and updates on the upcoming book 5, Talia’s Planet.

As always, if you’ve read and enjoyed any of the Recycling Humanity series please leave a review on Amazon so others can discover these amazing adventures!



Midpoint Station new release!

I’m so excited for Recycling Humanity #4 – Midpoint Station! Books 4 and 5 both star Talia Jade, an amazing young woman in an ordinary job, living an extraordinary life. Midpoint Station is set a generation after the first three books, Recycling Humanity, Starlight Max, and Biolab Zeg.

I’m especially excited because Midpoint gets the Migration and its ragtag remnant of humans closer to their new home planet. There’s hope, there’s adventure, and of course there’s a bad guy (gal in this case). And cameo appearances by some of our favorites from the earlier books!

One of the questions I get as an author is how much do you put of yourself and your life into your books? As a fiction author (especially science fiction) it’s easy to say nothing. Right? I don’t live in space, and I was definitely not a kick-ass seventeen year old like my main characters. I wish I had been. So maybe that’s a small part of what we as authors put into our work – parts of us we wish had been.

But in my case there’s more to it than that. I grew up in diverse communities – my mom worked for the Apollo program and kept me in computer programming classes – and we also lived on a hippie commune in the mountains of Montana (after hitchhiking across country selling jewelry). I was a child of two worlds. Hippie child and space geek. So there’s a lot of the people I met, the cultures and ways of life I experienced, and the many ranges of human sanity that I’ve run into. I’m actually writing a non-fiction book on creative writing that tells more about these diverse experiences and their affect on my writing life. Look for that later in the year.

For now – start with Recycling Humanity first, if you haven’t read it yet – the ebook will be on sale next week for 99 cents from May 22 – 26, 2018. And look for Recycling Humanity #5 – Talia’s Planet – in June!

Here’s to all of our diverse, stuck-between-two-world lives, and amazing adventures!



Stepping out of my Comfort Zone: Writing a Non-Fiction book!

You know that feeling when you’ve finally found your passion, and you put everything into it? You wake up in the morning excited to write, draw, create music, mentor youth, play sports, build a house – whatever your creative passion is. It’s the best feeling in the world. Creativity colors and brightens our every day. And despite certain failures, naysayers, the car breaking down, family drama, or your day job, you keep working on your passion. You keep going. This is how you know that you have truly found your passion.

And if you haven’t found yours yet, keep trying everything until you find your thing. Everyone is born with creativity. Everyone.

I’ve always loved reading and writing, but it wasn’t until I turned 40, my babies were teenagers, and my health took a nose dive, that I realized I wasn’t doing what I really wanted to be doing. My day job as a legal assistant wasn’t fulfilling anymore. I felt like I used up all my energy during the day not making a difference, not being creative, and not contributing to the world. By the time I got home I was too exhausted physically and mentally to do anything.

Then one day I entered a poetry contest on a whim and won! This was a small step toward working on my creativity. It felt good to not only write the poem, but have the acknowledgement that it was good.

I discovered NaNoWriMo and have done (and won!) each year since. I needed the competition, support, and feeling of accomplishment that the contest provided. NaNoWriMo and everyone running it and participating in it rocks!

Since that poetry contest years ago I have published three books, with five more slated to be published this year. I thoroughly enjoy the writing process (I’ve even made friends with editing, which I absolutely HATED in the beginning) and it has filled my creative well, given me a purpose to get up each morning, and kept my health on track. I have truly found my passion.

I listened the Front Row Factor podcast with Jon Vroman episode #95 last year (I love podcasts!) and heard Azul Terronez being interviewed. Azul is a book coach, author, TEDx speaker, podcaster, and co-founder of the Authors Writing Academy. While I was listening to Azul and Jon talk I was thinking-I’ve already written a book. Several fiction books. But something creative sparked within me, and an idea for a non-fiction book was birthed. Azul talked about our why as authors. Sure, my fiction books I want to entertain and transport youth and adults to a life outside of our solar system (I love science fiction as well as space science – so my YA SF is space opera). But I realized I wanted my readers, especially young adults to find and protect their own creative passions. With schools focusing so much on grades and tests, spelling and grammar – our natural wild imagination and creativity is lost, bent, devalued, and destroyed in many cases.

As I got to know Azul through his Authors Writing Academy and 5 day writing challenge, he showed me that although there are a ton of other writing and creativity books out there, there’s only one me. My unique story and experience would make my book different and interesting.

So, I’m publicly stating that I’m committing to the (to me) scary thing of writing a non-fiction book. By the end of May 2018 I will have a draft of this book. Not only is it a challenge because I have two other fiction books I’ve got scheduled to write in this same time period, but this book has already turned out to be highly emotional for me to write. I’m using stories from my past, so that in itself is bringing up events and emotions I had forgotten about, but it’s emotional as well because both my parents passed away years ago so I don’t have too many relatives to help fill in my memory gaps.

So, here’s to an interesting twelve weeks ahead! I hope to give updates as I go along, maybe some of the road blocks or things I learn along the way will help someone else in their creative journey to keep going!

What are your creative passions? How do you protect your time with your creativity? How has your creativity made you whole/healthy/happy?




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Hi! I'm Heather Lee Dyer, the author of the award-winnning Recycling Humanity young adult science fiction space adventure series.

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